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Climate activists fined for color at Berlin World Clock

The Berlin-Tiergarten Magisterial Court convicted four climate activists to fines on Thursday for spray-painting the World Time Clock on Alexanderplatz. The spokeswoman of the court announced fines ranging from 600 to 2100 Euros for common damage to property. According to the judgment, the four...

World Time Clock in Berlin
World Time Clock in Berlin

Climate activists fined for color at Berlin World Clock

For this, they used spray cans and modified fire extinguishers. An activist climbed up a ladder onto the clock tower's roof. With a high-pressure cleaner, the paint could be removed.

An activist declared in court that they would no longer participate in such protests. Contrarily, an activist announced that they would soon glue themselves to an airplane runway.

According to the prosecution, the damage caused by the paint was at least 16,000 Euros. The court considered the damage to be less serious, roughly amounting to ten thousand Euros.

The paint shop might struggle with finding suitable replacements for the damaged clock face components. The World clock, a prominent landmark in Berlin's Alexanderplatz, was targeted by climate activists. The Judge Speaker delivered a stern reminder about the consequences of such actions during the District Court hearing. The Berliner activist, facing fines, argued that their actions were driven by climate concerns. The total amount of Fines issued by the court due to the damage to goods reached an staggering 20,000 Euros, including Alexanderplatz fines.

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