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Climate activist from Letzte Generation group in Berlin sentenced to prison

A 32-year-old climate activist from the group Last Generation has been sentenced to one year and four months in prison for various actions in Berlin. She was found guilty of resistance against enforcement officers, coercion, and damaging property, as a spokeswoman for the Tiergarten District...


Climate activist from Letzte Generation group in Berlin sentenced to prison

According to the indictment, the accused person stuck themselves on highways or so-called traffic signal bridges several times between October 2022 and February 2023, and organized street blockades together with other activists. On March 7th, they also carried out a paint attack on the protected facade of the Federal Transport Ministry, for which the group rented a fire truck specifically. The removal of the orange paint cost around 7400 Euro.

Another act, according to the public prosecutor, took place on April 22, 2023. The 32-year-old sprayed the window display of a clothing store on Berlin's Kurfürstendamm with orange paint, along with another activist.

The indictment mentioned a fine for the damage to goods caused during the paint attack on the Federal Transport Ministry, but the accused chose not to pay, leading to a potential freedom penalty. The Amtsgерicht Tiergarten in Berlin will be handling the case. Considering the consecutive climate protests and actions, this generation of climate activists in Berlin seems unwilling to compromise, even facing legal consequences.

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