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Cleaning initiatives in Passau: Schools in the historical center resume operations.

In light of the gradually declining water levels on the Danube River, initial cleanup tasks were started in Passau on Wednesday. Although larger-scale operations are forecasted for the weekend, city officials anticipate. Nevertheless, regular schooling will be reinstated in the historical...

A man walks past a house in the city on the three rivers. Many places in Bavaria continue to be...
A man walks past a house in the city on the three rivers. Many places in Bavaria continue to be flooded after heavy rainfall.

Inundation Causes Waterlogged Condition - Cleaning initiatives in Passau: Schools in the historical center resume operations.

The lower Danube is still in a stressful flood situation. The Flood Information Service (HND) reports that the water levels at Danube gauges between Donauwörth and Passau are at level 4 on Wednesday. The flood peaks are extending, and the water is slowly moving away. These changes are sometimes just a few centimeters higher or lower within several hours. From Neu-Ulm to Ingolstadt, the Danube water is receding.

The latest update from the Flood Information Service (HND) in Passau on the flood circumstances.

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