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Civil servants to receive increased wages as decided by the state legislature.

To guarantee a 15% salary increase for civil servants compared to basic income support recipients, a new law will be implemented in MV.

A plenary session in the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
A plenary session in the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Remuneration - Civil servants to receive increased wages as decided by the state legislature.

The legislature in Schwerin will determine on Wednesday (10:00 a.m.) regarding increased allowances for about 17,000 public servants in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. This is intended to be accomplished via the enactment of two bills. The first bill entails adjusting the salary structure so that each public servant acquires a minimum wage-plus-15% compensation. The second bill envisions moving the labor agreement for employees from December 2023 to public servants.

Simultaneously, a new savings bank regulation is earmarked for passage in parliament. Its purpose is to enhance transparency. The savings banks will be bound to reveal the salaries of their board members. This disclosure should involve total compensation for all board members rather than each individual member. Additionally, the new law should simplify the route for women to assume top posts at savings banks.

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The legislature in Schwerin, located in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, will discuss increasing wages for over 17,000 civil servants in the region on Wednesday. This decision will be made through the approval of two bills, one of which aims to set a minimum wage-plus-15% compensation for all public servants in the Parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Schwerin. Additionally, the second bill proposes moving the labor agreement for public servants from December 2023 to an earlier date.

