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Civil servants in Saarland will also receive more money in future

Civil servants in Saarland will receive more money: The latest wage agreement for employees in the public service of the federal states will be adopted in Saarland, the Ministry of the Interior announced in Saarbrücken on Wednesday. As compensation for inflation, civil servants will receive a...

A woman holds banknotes in her hand.
A woman holds banknotes in her hand.

Tariffs - Civil servants in Saarland will also receive more money in future

Civil servants in Saarland will receive more money: The latest wage agreement for employees in the public service of the federal states will be adopted in Saarland, the Ministry of the Interior announced in Saarbrücken on Wednesday. As compensation for inflation, civil servants will receive a total of 3000 euros. In addition, pay-scale salaries will increase by 5.5 percent from February 2025. This will also have a corresponding effect on the pensions of pension recipients, the ministry announced.

Read also:

  1. The wage agreement, which includes a salary increase for civil servants, will be implemented across all federal states, including Saarland, under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior.
  2. The inflated income from the wage agreement will significantly impact income tax calculations for civil servants in Saarland, as this is managed by the Ministry of the Interior in Saarbrücken.
  3. In response to the announced tariff adjustments, various trade unions in Saarland are advocating for a review of the tax system to ensure that the increased wages do not lead to an unbalanced financial burden on civil servants.


