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Civil servants' association calls on state employees to go on warning strike

Several thousand people took part in warning strikes in Baden-Württemberg on Thursday in the public sector wage dispute. According to the civil servants' association, around 6000 people took part in a protest march in Stuttgart. It called on the state's civil servants to go on a temporary work...

Wage dispute - Civil servants' association calls on state employees to go on warning strike

Several thousand people took part in warning strikes in Baden-Württemberg on Thursday in the public sector wage dispute. According to the civil servants' association, around 6000 people took part in a protest march in Stuttgart. It called on the state's civil servants to go on a temporary work stoppage.

The head of the civil servants' association, Kai Rosenberger, said that they had had enough. There had only been one measly pay rise since 2021. If the employer does not finally present a reasonable offer in the third round of negotiations, "massive strikes" will be called across the board and large parts of the administration will be paralyzed.

There were probably no major restrictions for citizens. The majority of those employed by the police or in ministries are civil servants - and they are not allowed to strike.

The unions are demanding 10.5 percent more income, but at least 500 euros more for state employees. For trainees, the unions want an increase of 200 euros.

Verdi organized rallies in Freiburg and Karlsruhe as well as in Ulm, Mannheim and Heilbronn, where there were also strikes together with employees from the retail sector and, in Heilbronn, the AOK. A total of 2000 employees were on strike. Verdi state head Martin Gross said: "The third strongest economy in the world is currently plunging into a deep economic and social crisis and is messing up the future of our country just because politicians lack the courage to scrap a wrong law from 2009." Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz (Greens) is right to call for the debt brake to be corrected.

Civil servants' association

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. The United Services Union joined forces with the civil servants' association in the wage dispute, urging its members to participate in the warning strikes in Baden-Württemberg.
  2. The employer, facing pressure from the civil service association and the United Services Union, has been called upon to present a reasonable offer during the third round of negotiations to avoid a massive strike in the state's civil service.
  3. In response to the ongoing wage dispute and collective bargaining conflict, the state government in Baden-Württemberg has expressed concern about potential disruptions in public services, especially with regard to striking civil servants in Stuttgart.
  4. The United Services Union, along with other unions, organized multiple rallies across cities in Baden-Württemberg, including Stuttgart, demanding higher wages for state employees, trainees, and even employees in the retail sector.
  5. Amid the ongoing warning strikes and collective bargaining conflict, some state employees have resorting to tactics such as working to rule, causing delays and inefficiencies in civil services in various locations across the state of Baden-Württemberg.




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