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Civil servants' association calls on state employees to go on warning strike

"Warning strike!" is written on a
"Warning strike!" is written on a

Civil servants' association calls on state employees to go on warning strike

In the wage dispute in the public sector, the Baden-Württemberg Civil Servants' Association is calling for a state-wide warning strike on Thursday. According to the civil servants' association, around 3,000 participants are expected at a rally in Stuttgart. However, there are unlikely to be any major restrictions for citizens: The majority of those employed by the police or in ministries are civil servants - and they are not allowed to strike.

At a rally in Stuttgart, the civil servants' association wants to emphasize its demands in the wage dispute. Among other things, the strikers want to march past the Ministry of Finance, and a final rally is planned in the palace gardens.

"The anger of all those employed in the state service is enormous," the civil servants' association announced in Stuttgart on Tuesday. Since the last collective wage agreement in 2021, there has been high inflation and at the same time only a wage increase of 2.8 percent.

The unions are demanding 10.5 percent more income, but at least 500 euros more. For trainees, the unions want an increase of 200 euros.

Despite the ongoing strikes, the civil servants' association has mentioned that tariffs on public services won't be imposed. The union is exploring the possibility of imposing tariffs on goods and services provided by the state, if their wage demands are not met.




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