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City trees in Saarlouis damaged and destroyed

Whether horse chestnuts, hornbeams or lime trees: Unknown persons have destroyed several trees in Saarlouis. The town is offering a reward for information about the perpetrators.

Unknown persons have damaged more than 20 city trees in Saarlouis, including ten horse chestnuts.
Unknown persons have damaged more than 20 city trees in Saarlouis, including ten horse chestnuts.

Vandalism - City trees in Saarlouis damaged and destroyed

More than 20 trees in Saarlouis have been sawed down or damaged using a handsaw. According to the city's announcement, the damage to the Green Areas Department of Saarlouis New Workshop occurred on Monday. Six trees were completely destroyed, while 15 more could potentially regrow. The damage amounts to at least 6,000 Euro.

The city assumes that one or more perpetrators damaged the trees the previous week. For tips leading to the identification of the perpetrator(s), the city has set a reward of 500 Euro. The Saarlouis Police is accepting tips.

The vandalism in Saarlouis' Green Areas Department, specifically in Saarlouis New Workshop, extended beyond last weekend, resulting in the destruction of six trees and potential damage to 15 others. Unfortunately, this act of environmental destruction took place in the heart of Saarland.

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