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City of Leipzig restricts rentals as vacation apartments

It is becoming increasingly difficult to find an apartment in Leipzig. The city is trying to preserve the scarce living space with a new statute.

Scarce living space should not be used as a vacation home (symbolic image)
Scarce living space should not be used as a vacation home (symbolic image)

Misappropriation of living space - City of Leipzig restricts rentals as vacation apartments

The city of Leipzig is attempting to put a stop to the conversion of apartments into short-term rentals through a new ordinance. A future apartment can reportedly only be rented out for a maximum of twelve weeks per year via platforms like Airbnb. A permit is also required, the city stated.

The new ordinance is based on the prohibition of misappropriation, which the Free State of Saxony issued in February. The city council still needs to decide on the regulations. It also provides that apartments cannot be vacant for longer than twelve months - except if the landlord has a permit for that.

The goal of the new ordinance is to retain the limited housing space in Leipzig. It aims to prevent the creation of more permanent vacation rentals and, at the same time, to prevent speculation on housing vacancies. The new regulation is initially valid for five years.

  1. In response to the rising trend of apartment conversions into vacation accommodation on platforms like Airbnb, several municipalities across Saxony, including Leipzig, are considering implementing tighter regulations.
  2. If you're planning to live in Leipzig and let out your apartment for vacation rentals, be aware that the city's new ordinance restricts such lettings to a maximum of twelve weeks per year.
  3. The society in Leipzig values its limited living space, and the new regulation seeks to preserve this by discouraging the creation of permanent vacation rentals and speculation on housing vacancies.
  4. As a tourist considering a vacation in Leipzig, note that the city's new ordinance may affect your choices for short-term rental accommodations, as strict regulations on vacation accommodation lettings have been initiated.

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