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City has to accommodate over 60 residents after high-rise fire

A faulty e-scooter battery causes a fire in a high-rise building. This leaves more than 60 people homeless just before Christmas.

A fire engine of the fire department drives to an operation with flashing blue lights.
A fire engine of the fire department drives to an operation with flashing blue lights.

County of Unterallgäu - City has to accommodate over 60 residents after high-rise fire

Following a fire in a nine-storey tower block in the Allgäu region, the town of Mindelheim has to move the more than 60 residents into other apartments just a few days before Christmas Eve. "This is now an emergency situation, and just before Christmas", said Julia Beck from the town council on Tuesday.

According to initial investigations, the fire was caused by the exploded battery of an e-scooter on the fifth floor early on Tuesday morning; five people were slightly injured. The building is uninhabitable for the time being due to the effects of the fumes produced by the fire and the damage caused by the extinguishing water.

According to the police, the fire broke out shortly before 1.00 am. This led to a large-scale operation by the fire department and rescue services. As the stairwell was filled with smoke, residents had to be rescued from the building using a turntable ladder.

The two people from the apartment in which the fire broke out and three other people were injured. The apartment burned out completely, but the fire department was able to prevent the flames from spreading to other apartments. Investigators nevertheless estimate that the damage to property amounted to several hundred thousand euros in the high six-figure range.

According to the authorities, more than 60 residents are registered in the building. The spokeswoman for Mindelheim town council(Unterallgäu district) said that those affected are now to be accommodated in hotels, vacation apartments or a senior citizens' center. In addition, the Dominikus-Ringeisen-Werk, a large facility for people with disabilities in Ursberg (Günzburg district), has made ten rooms available. Some residents have already been accommodated by friends.

On Tuesday morning, accommodation was still being sought for 21 people. The town was hoping that owners with vacant apartments would come forward. Both elderly senior citizens and families with children are affected. "The building will not be habitable for the foreseeable future," said city spokeswoman Beck.

People can now collect their urgently needed personal belongings from their homes. A second-hand clothes store run by Caritas will provide them with clothing.

Police statement

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