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City: Alcohol bans in Cottbus city center show effect

The temporary alcohol bans in parts of Cottbus city center have had an effect, according to the city administration and police. The city announced on Thursday that the increased presence of police officers and the public order office had reduced alcohol-related crimes and offenses.

Bottles of alcohol and glasses are on a table.
Bottles of alcohol and glasses are on a table.

Municipalities - City: Alcohol bans in Cottbus city center show effect

The temporary alcohol bans in parts of Cottbus city center have had an effect, according to the city administration and police. The city announced on Thursday that the increased presence of police officers and the public order office had reduced alcohol-related crimes and offenses.

In addition to cooperation with the police, collaboration with youth welfare organizations has also had an effect. Specific figures were not given. The number of criminal offenses also decreased, according to the southern police department. The alcohol bans for Schillerplatz and the city promenade were in place until the end of October.

Temporary alcohol bans were first issued by the city in May 2022. The reason for the strict measure was persistent verbal abuse and insults as well as threats against passers-by, particularly from members of the drinking scene. In addition, there was littering with garbage and glass bottles as well as urination and endangering traffic. According to the police, crimes were regularly committed - from simple insults to sexual harassment, damage to property and bodily harm.

Temporary alcohol bans were also imposed by general order in Brandenburg's second largest city in May and September of this year. A total of 24 fine proceedings were initiated in the city promenade for corresponding violations. The police did not provide any information on the number of offenses.

It remains to be seen whether the measure will have lasting success. "The alcohol ban is one of several effective ways of ensuring safety in the city," said a police spokeswoman. According to the city administration, it wants to keep an eye on the partial displacement of the scene to other parts of Cottbus.

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