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Citizens' Energy Act: Opposition blocks adoption

The SPD and FDP blocked the planned adoption of a law on the financial participation of residents and local authorities in new wind turbines in the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament on Wednesday. In protest against a twelve-page amendment tabled at short notice by the CDU and Greens, the...

Wind turbines illuminated with signal lamps turn after sunset.
Wind turbines illuminated with signal lamps turn after sunset.

Environment - Citizens' Energy Act: Opposition blocks adoption

The SPD and FDP blocked the planned adoption of a law on the financial participation of residents and local authorities in new wind turbines in the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament on Wednesday. In protest against a twelve-page amendment tabled at short notice by the CDU and Greens, the opposition factions pushed through a third reading.

As a rule, laws in the NRW state parliament are passed in two readings, with the exception of the budget. The third reading of the so-called Citizens' Energy Act, which has now been forced through, is expected to take place on Friday. It is likely to be passed with the black-green government majority.

The law is due to come into force on January 1, 2024 and only applies to new wind turbines. Participation is intended to increase public acceptance of wind turbines and further promote the expansion of wind power.

The forms of public participation are defined flexibly in the law. Possible options include discounted local electricity tariffs or products, lump-sum payments to residents or even project companies or foundations. Participation models are already being tested in several regions in NRW.

According to the FDP, the law in its current form creates locational disadvantages for the expansion of wind power in NRW. It makes wind energy projects more expensive, jeopardizes the expansion of wind energy in NRW and is unlawful in parts. The SPD called the law poorly crafted and too short-sighted in terms of content.

Draft Citizens' Energy Act

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