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Citizen's allowance for Ukrainians: Minister urges objectivity

5000 Ukrainians have already started a job in Saxony-Anhalt. Some are calling for the rest to be stripped of their citizens' allowance. The overall situation could soon change.

Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD), Saxony-Anhalt's Minister of Labor.
Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD), Saxony-Anhalt's Minister of Labor.

Work - Citizen's allowance for Ukrainians: Minister urges objectivity

In the discussion about the social benefits for Ukrainians in Saxony-Anhalt, Labor Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD) called for more objectivity. She stated on a Wednesday that already 5000 Ukrainian women and men are employed. "Those who demand the cancellation of social benefits for Ukrainian refugees make it harder for them to enter the labor market." The goal remains sustainable integration into work.

In the past few days, Union politicians had criticized the payment of social benefits to Ukrainians in Germany. According to the Statistical Office of Saxony-Anhalt, around 37,800 people from Ukraine were living in the state at the turn of the year.

At the employment agency, around 14,100 job-seeking people from Ukraine were registered in the previous month. The majority of them, around 9000, are in integration courses, funding, or training. The head of the Regional Directorate of the Employment Agency, Markus Behrens, had called for opportunities at the beginning of the year to bring Ukrainian women and men faster into work.

Minister Grimm-Benne referred to the fact that a large majority of the job-seeking people from Ukraine will soon complete language and integration courses.

  1. Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD) emphasized the objective need for sustainable integration into work for the over 5000 Ukraine-origin individuals who are already employed in Saxony-Anhalt.
  2. Critics who advocate for the cancellation of social benefits for Ukrainian refugees could hinder their entry into the labor market, as stated by Minister Grimm-Benne on a recent Wednesday.
  3. The Federal Employment Agency's Regional Directorate in Saxony-Anhalt reported over 14,100 job-seeking Ukrainians in the previous month, with nearly 9000 enrolled in integration courses, funding, or training.
  4. As Minister Grimm-Benne pointed out, a significant number of job-seeking individuals from Ukraine are nearing completion of their language and integration courses, paving the way for potential citizens' income and contributions to Saxony-Anhalt's labor market.

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