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A homeless man holds a cup of tea in his hand.

Cities offer cold assistance for homeless people

Winter is just around the corner and it's already getting really cold at night in Lower Saxony. Those who live on the streets and have no accommodation are particularly hard hit. There are therefore offers in many cities. The city of Osnabrück, for example, provides overnight accommodation for homeless people in cooperation with the Social Service for Catholic Men. Empty houses and apartments are used as temporary accommodation. According to the city, around 85 people are currently living on the streets in Osnabrück.

In Braunschweig, the "Iglu" day shelter run by Diakonie offers food and drink to homeless people. They can also wash and shower there. The staff at the station mission hand out hot drinks and small snacks. The Malteser and the "Gemeinsam für Braunschweig e.V." network offer hot soup at various locations in the city center. The city of Hildesheim estimates that between 20 and 30 people are living on the streets. They can get breakfast at the "Lobby" day center. They also have the opportunity to shower and wash there. The station mission opens at 6 a.m. during the cold season. In addition, citizens can contact the city via a telephone number if they know a homeless person in need or have seen them on the street.

In Hanover, the cold buses are on the road again in cold temperatures. They offer warming facilities, hot food and basic medical care at various locations. "For the coming winter, we want to support homeless people with new and tried-and-tested services," said Hanover's Lord Mayor Belit Onay (Greens). From mid-November, those affected will be approached by street workers in their native language and informed about local services. If the outside temperature is below three degrees, homeless people will also be allowed to spend the night in the Kröpke subway station in the pedestrian zone.

In the fall and winter in particular, there are more street workers on the go everywhere to look after the worries and needs of people on the street. They also provide information about the services already available nearby.

In the midst of discussing social affairs for homeless individuals, it's crucial to consider their well-being during adverse weather conditions. Moreover, some cities utilize social service collaborations to provide shelter, as evidenced by Osnabrück offering temporary housing during harsh winters, when the weather makes it challenging for those on the streets.




Ex-German Federal Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher found on the veranda of the German...

Upon Genscher's renowned, abbreviated declaration.

Upon Genscher's renowned, abbreviated declaration. In 1989, thousands of East Germans yearned for change and sought refuge at the West German embassy in Prague, hoping to escape to the West. On September 30, the embassy crowd received some good news from Federal Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher. Jens Hase,

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