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Cities elected mayor, two need run-off elections

Four south-western municipalities have voted. Run-off elections are due in Ulm and Leinfelden-Echterdingen in two weeks' time. Rheinstetten and Herrenberg have their town hall leaders.

A man throws his ballot paper into an urn.
A man throws his ballot paper into an urn.

Municipalities - Cities elected mayor, two need run-off elections

Citizens in four south-western municipalities went to the polls on Sunday: Mayoral elections were held in Ulm, Leinfelden-Echterdingen (Esslingen district), Herrenberg (Böblingen district) and Rheinstetten (Karlsruhe district). While Rheinstetten and Herrenberg already have their mayor according to the provisional results, run-off elections are still to be held in Ulm and Leinfelden-Echterdingen.

In Ulm, incumbent Gunter Czisch (CDU) achieved 43.16 percent of the vote according to the provisional election results, the city announced in Ulm on Sunday evening. He will go into the run-off election with lawyer Martin Ansbacher (SPD) on December 17. According to city figures, Ansbacher achieved 29.74 percent of the vote. The election campaign is over for Lena Schwelling (20.63 percent), the state chairwoman of the Greens.

In Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Otto Ruppaner, who is supported by the Free Voters, and Raiko Grieb will also go into the run-off election on December 17. Grieb is a member of the SPD and is supported by the SPD, but is running as an independent candidate. Ruppaner is currently mayor of Köngen (Esslingen district). According to preliminary election results, he achieved 35.9 percent of the vote, as the town announced on its website on Sunday evening. Grieb achieved 25.01 percent. Incumbent Roland Klenk (CDU) had announced his resignation in April. He was first elected mayor of the city of 40,000 inhabitants in 2001.

In Herrenberg, the citizens elected Nico Reith as their new mayor. According to the provisional election results, the 32-year-old public administrator received 72.48 percent of the vote. Apart from him, two men and one woman threw their hats into the ring. According to a spokeswoman, all candidates were non-partisan. Incumbent Thomas Sprißler (Freie Wähler) did not run again.

Sebastian Schrempp (CDU) remains mayor of Rheinstetten. According to the provisional election results, he won with 73.3 percent of the vote against 29-year-old Isabella Metzke (26.53 percent), as the town announced on its website on Sunday evening. This is the 45-year-old Schrempp's third term in office.

Mayoral elections in Baden-Württemberg generally take place independently of the municipal council elections. Only in independent cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants - called urban districts - and so-called large district towns with more than 20,000 inhabitants are the heads of the town halls referred to as Lord Mayors.

Preliminary results of the Lord Mayor election in Ulm Preliminary results of the Lord Mayor election in Leinfelden-Echterdingen Preliminary results of the Lord Mayor election in Rheinstetten Preliminary results of the Lord Mayor election in Herrenberg Website Gunter Czisch Website Martin Ansbacher Website Otto Ruppaner Website Raiko Grieb Website Sebastian Schrempp Website Nico Reith Website

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