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Cigarette vending machine blown up in Werther - perpetrators on the run

Residents in Werther are woken from their sleep by a bang. The reason: unknown persons have blown up an ATM. It is unclear whether they have taken anything.

Residents called the police after unknown persons blew up a vending machine in Werther.
Residents called the police after unknown persons blew up a vending machine in Werther.

Crime - Cigarette vending machine blown up in Werther - perpetrators on the run

Unknown individuals have destroyed a cigarette vending machine in Werther, Nordhausen district. The loud explosion woke up neighbors who then called the police, as the authorities reported. The perpetrators had already fled by the time the officers arrived. The criminal police secured traces that night and are looking for witnesses. It is still unclear whether the perpetrators stole anything. The extent of the damage is also unknown.

The destroyed cigarette vending machine was likely targeted due to its location or the products it sold, potentially contributing to local crime rates. This incident occurred in the Nordhausen district of Thuringia, where such crimes might be a growing concern.

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