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Churches in Saxony expected to be full at Christmas

Churches in Saxony are always packed at the end of the year. The current crises in the world dampen the joy of the miracle of Christmas - once again this year.

Christmas decorations hanging on a Christmas tree.
Christmas decorations hanging on a Christmas tree.

Holidays - Churches in Saxony expected to be full at Christmas

Saxony's churches are once again expecting well-filled houses of worship at Christmas, especially on Christmas Eve, which is also the 4th Advent this year. The doors will be open to "all people who want to hear and see the Christmas story", announced the Protestant regional church, announcing Christmas vespers, nativity plays and concerts. Around half a million visitors are expected again.

The bishops of the regional church of Saxony and the diocese of Dresden-Meissen, Tobias Bilz and Heinrich Timmerevers, reminded everyone in advance of the confidence associated with Christmas Eve."Christmas is a celebration of hope against appearances," said Bilz on Friday, referring to the biblical tradition. His Catholic brother wishes for "repentance and reconciliation" in times of war

"I wish for myself and our society that we don't dream of a perfect world that others create and preserve for us, but instead move courageously into the unknown," said Bishop Bilz. In view of the spiral of violence in Ukraine and the Middle East, Timmerevers hopes that, in addition to "repentance and reconciliation", "something miraculous and surprising will happen despite all human hatred".

In many churches in the Free State, there are traditionally several Christmas vespers on Christmas Eve so that no one has to be turned away due to lack of space, said a spokeswoman for the Protestant regional church. The next few days are high time for the famous Saxon boys' choirs. On Christmas Eve, the Dresden Kreuzchor traditionally performs two Christmas vespers in the Kreuzkirche, the Leipzig St. Thomas Boys Choir a motet and three Christmas vespers in the Thomaskirche and the Dresden Kapellknaben perform their nativity play in the cathedral.

Read also:

  1. Visitors during the holidays in Dresden's churches are anticipating hearing and seeing the Christmas story, as announced by the Protestant regional church.
  2. Despite the conflicts and tensions in Ukraine and the Middle East, Bishop Tobias Bilz expresses hope for a celebration of hope on Christmas Eve.
  3. Saxony's churches will have multiple Christmas vespers and nativity plays this year to accommodate the expected half a million visitors, including performances by renowned boys' choirs.
  4. The Church in Saxony encourages people to attend services during the holiday season to celebrate the advent and the birth of Christ, following the tradition of well-attended services on Christmas Eve.
  5. Despite the challenges of modern times, the House of God in Saxony remains a symbol of unity and peace, offering a place for reflection, prayer, and celebration during the Christmas holidays.




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