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Chrupalla open to new structures in the AfD leadership

Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel want to be re-elected as AfD leaders at the party conference. However, the party is also considering new structures. Chrupalla says he is not against this.

Tino Chrupalla, Federal Chairman of the AfD and leader of the AfD parliamentary group, speaks in...
Tino Chrupalla, Federal Chairman of the AfD and leader of the AfD parliamentary group, speaks in the plenary session of the Bundestag on current European policy.

Party conference - Chrupalla open to new structures in the AfD leadership

Before the Bundesparteitag of the AfD, Co-Chairman Tino Chrupalla openly expressed his support for a new structure in the party leadership. Regarding the introduction of a General Secretary in his party, Chrupalla stated in ZDF's "Morgenmagazin" on Friday: "I don't see that skeptically. That's a proposal I gave two years ago (...). It belongs to the professionalization of a party to talk about changes in the coming two or three years."

At the party conference in Essen, a proposal will be voted on over the weekend to provide for an additional General Secretary in case there is only one Chairman or Chairwoman in the future. Chrupalla has led the AfD in a co-chairmanship with Alice Weidel so far. The duo is also running for re-election - according to the party statutes, the AfD can also be led by a single Chairman.

Chrupalla emphasized in "Morgenmagazin" that he is not against a shift to a single leadership. "No, I'm not against that," he replied to a corresponding objection. At the conference, it will also be discussed whether the General Secretary could be accompanied by two Chairpersons. In addition, the proposal only applies for the coming years and not for the elections at this party conference.

Approximately 600 AfD delegates are expected in the Ruhr region city on Saturday and Sunday. Nationwide, groups have called for protests and blockades under the slogan "AfD party conference prevent". Essen's Mayor Thomas Kufen (CDU) stated in Deutschlandfunk on Friday: "There will be a large police presence." At more than a dozen demonstrations, 80,000 people are expected. "A lot is coming to us, but I see us well prepared."

  1. Tino Chrupalla, the Co-Chairman of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), expressed his support for a new structure in the party leadership before the Federal Party Conference.
  2. During the party conference in Berlin, a proposal will be considered to introduce an additional General Secretary in the AfD, with Tino Chrupalla being one of the advocates for this change.
  3. Despite being co-chairing the AfD with Alice Weidel, Chrupalla has indicated in interviews that he is open to the possibility of a single leadership, although this proposal only applies for future changes and not for this party conference's elections.
  4. In Germany, other political parties are closely watching the AfD's Federal Party Conference, with some groups planning demonstrations and blockades, such as the protests anticipated in Essen, where the conference is being held.

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