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Christmas vacations in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Schoolchildren in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern can look forward to the upcoming holidays with peace of mind. The traditional Christmas vacations began on Thursday for around 160,000 children and young people in the state. This makes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern one of the first federal states in which...

Pupils from a fourth grade class take part in a lesson.
Pupils from a fourth grade class take part in a lesson.

Free from school - Christmas vacations in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Schoolchildren in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern can look forward to the upcoming holidays with peace of mind. The traditional Christmas vacations began on Thursday for around 160,000 children and young people in the state. This makes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern one of the first federal states in which pupils have time off at the end of the year. In many places, they were bid farewell to the vacations with small Christmas parties and singing together. January 4 is then the first day of school in the new year.

The two-week break should also provide a welcome respite for the approximately 13,700 teachers in the country. The current wave of colds has not only left gaps in the rows of pupils, but has also decimated the teaching staff. In many schools, this caused the already tense staffing situation to worsen. Substitute teaching and the merging of classes were the order of the day.

Vacation calendar

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During their Christmas vacations, children in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern enjoy a heavy break from their usual schoolwork and routines. This period is a much-anticipated holiday for over 160,000 schoolchildren in the state, making it one of the first federal states to commence year-end vacations. Despite the fun-filled activities, many teachers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern welcome the holiday break as an opportunity to recuperate, as the ongoing wave of colds has left schools struggling with both absent pupils and decimated teaching staff, exacerbating staffing issues and requiring creative solutions like substitute teaching and class mergers.




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