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Christmas trees on fire: Two injured in fires

The lights are burning on the Christmas tree, as the song goes. But the tree itself should not be burning, as in two cases in Brandenburg. Elsewhere, too, lights were burning on Christmas Day.

A fire engine with flashing blue lights on the road.
A fire engine with flashing blue lights on the road.

Fire department operations - Christmas trees on fire: Two injured in fires

A Christmas tree went up in flames in a detached house in Stahnsdorf (Potsdam-Mittelmark) on Christmas Eve. The fire was extinguished by surrounding fire departments, a spokesperson for the Brandenburg control center reported on Monday. One woman was injured and taken to hospital. As the house was initially uninhabitable, the family had to move in with friends.

On Saturday afternoon, a Christmas tree caught fire in the courtyard of a residential community for senior citizens in Trebbin (Teltow-Fläming). The fire department was able to extinguish the fire quickly, but half of the decorated tree burned down, as the police reported on Tuesday. No people were injured. The criminal investigation department is now investigating the role played by a group of around four youths who were seen in the courtyard at the time of the fire.

Neighbors alerted the fire department on Christmas Eve because the smell of burning was coming from the apartment of a 65-year-old man in the apartment building in Neuruppin. As no one answered the door after ringing and knocking, the emergency services broke down the front door. The 65-year-old man was found in the heavily smoke-filled apartment, the police reported on Tuesday. The man had fallen asleep while a goose was cooking in the oven.

However, the 65-year-old was unhappy about the rescue operation and physically attacked police officers and firefighters, according to the police. As the man was in a state of mental distress, he was taken to hospital. The officers then discovered a cultivation facility with several cannabis plants in the apartment. The police are now investigating the 65-year-old for resisting arrest and violating the Narcotics Act.

After a fire in the basement of an apartment building in Eberswalde (Barnim), one resident had to be taken to hospital for treatment. The fire broke out on Saturday evening in a cellar shed, the police reported on Tuesday. The residents had to temporarily leave their apartments due to the heavy smoke. The fire department extinguished the fire. The criminal investigation department is now investigating arson.

In Premnitz, a garden shed caught fire on Saturday night. The bungalow burned down completely despite the efforts of the fire department, the police reported on Tuesday. No people were injured. The cause of the fire was initially unknown.

The Christmas lights on the terrace of a detached house caught fire on Tuesday morning in Flecken-Zechlin (Ostprignitz-Ruppin). The residents were able to extinguish the fire before the fire department arrived. The fire department assumed a technical defect, the police reported.

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