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Christmas swimming of the "Pirrlliepausen" in Lake Senftenberg

In comparatively mild water temperatures of four degrees, 25 men and women from the "Pirrlliepausen" winter swimming club took a dip in Lake Senftenberg on Christmas Eve. Wearing red pointed caps, the winter bathers splashed around in the cold water for a few minutes. Last year, the winter pool...

The members of the "Pirrlliepausen" association take their traditional Christmas dip.
The members of the "Pirrlliepausen" association take their traditional Christmas dip.

Customs - Christmas swimming of the "Pirrlliepausen" in Lake Senftenberg

In comparatively mild water temperatures of four degrees, 25 men and women from the "Pirrlliepausen" winter swimming club took a dip in Lake Senftenberg on Christmas Eve. Wearing red pointed caps, the winter bathers splashed around in the cold water for a few minutes. Last year, the winter pool was much fresher with a water temperature of two degrees.

With an air temperature of six degrees and a water temperature of four degrees, it was far too warm for the Christmas bathers on Sunday. "It's really nice when it's ten degrees below zero in the air and one degree above in the water," said club spokesman Peter Lehmann. "It's much more fun when you have to hack a swimming hole in the frozen lake under a sunny blue sky."

The club members have been meeting for Christmas swimming for 36 years, with the exception of 2020 and 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to the club, "Pirrlliepausen" is an old North German expression for icicles. The members go into the lake twice a week in winter. The season runs from October to the end of April. For carnival in February, the "Pirrliepausen" swim in costume. In summer, the activities of the winter sports club are suspended.


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Despite the unseasonably warm weather, the tradition of Christmas swimming continues for the 'Pirrlliepausen' club members in Lake Senftenberg. The water temperature on saint's eve was a modest four degrees, which was still too warm for some club members' preferences. Over the years, women and men from Brandenburg have joined the 'Pirrlliepausen', contributing to the long-standing tradition. Regardless of the weather, the club's activities, including Christmas swimming, remain an important part of their annual calendar.


