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Christmas stollen and chickens: prisons in Rhineland-Palatinate

Driving lessons, bakery and shoe production: the prisons in Rhineland-Palatinate have a lot to offer. Fresh eggs are one of them.

A barbed wire fence surrounds the grounds of a prison.
A barbed wire fence surrounds the grounds of a prison.

Justice - Christmas stollen and chickens: prisons in Rhineland-Palatinate

Around 2000 people work in the prisons in Rhineland-Palatinate, which have around 3300 prison places. "These figures do not adequately describe the services provided by the staff," said Philipp Sturhan, spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice, in Mainz on Wednesday, listing a series of figures that provide a glimpse behind the scenes of the prison system.

The in-house bakery at Wittlich Prison (JVA) processes an average of 15 tons of flour every month. "From this, the prisoners bake 28 tons of bread, 6500 cakes, 3100 pastries and 6000 rolls for the prison system throughout the country under the guidance and supervision of officers," the press release states. In December, 1100 Christmas stollen will be added.

Wittlich Prison had as many animals as prisoners: three prisoners from the open prison looked after around 600 free-range chickens that lived in two mobile chicken coops near the prison. Together they laid around 550 eggs every day.

The three large prisoner transport buses at Rohrbach Prison travel a total of 100,000 kilometers per year - and thus statistically travel around the world about two and a half times.

Plants are sold in Zweibrücken Prison, around 4500 per year. Shoes are also produced, around 2900 pairs. This prison offers 19 different vocational training courses - with success: in the past ten years, 20 prisoners have been honored as the best graduates in the Palatinate Chamber of Industry and Commerce district. There is no evidence that they completed their training in a prison.

A total of 900 prisoners have completed their theoretical driving license training at the Zweibrücken prison driving school, the only one of its kind in Germany. In addition, 279 driving licenses were issued.

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