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Christmas market attack planned? 20-year-old in custody

The 20-year-old who allegedly planned a terrorist attack on a Christmas market will remain in custody for the time being. This was decided by the competent district court, the State Criminal Police Office of Lower Saxony announced on Tuesday. The LKA did not want to give any further details for...

A sign reading "Police" hangs on a police station.
A sign reading "Police" hangs on a police station.

Crime - Christmas market attack planned? 20-year-old in custody

The 20-year-old who allegedly planned a terrorist attack on a Christmas market will remain in custody for the time being. This was decided by the competent district court, the State Criminal Police Office of Lower Saxony announced on Tuesday. The LKA did not want to give any further details for tactical investigative reasons. The man from Saxony-Anhalt was taken into custody in Helmstedt on November 21 - following indications of a serious act of violence. The NDR had previously reported.

According to earlier information, investigators considered the Christmas market in Hanover to be a possible target for an attack - "we cannot rule that out at the moment", said a spokesperson for the LKA. According to information from security circles, the young Iraqi, who had only been in Germany since last year and had found a job in Lower Saxony, had thought about attacking visitors to a Christmas market with a knife.

Most recently, two young people aged 15 and 16 were arrested in North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg for allegedly planning an attack on a Christmas market. They are said to have sympathized with the terrorist organization Islamic State.

According to the Ministry of the Interior of Lower Saxony, preventive detention can initially last 14 days following a judicial decision. This can be extended by a further 14 days following a review by a judge. In the context of averting danger, a final extension of seven days is therefore possible.

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