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Christmas houses shine - hundreds of figures in the garden

Christmas houses are shining again in many places. It's not just the fairy lights on facades that are fascinating. In Brandenburg's towns, wonder worlds are created in gardens and become a local attraction.

Gisela Liebsch and Gerd Mörl stand in their festively decorated garden.
Gisela Liebsch and Gerd Mörl stand in their festively decorated garden.

Customs - Christmas houses shine - hundreds of figures in the garden

Big-bellied Santas, friendly-looking snowmen with hats, glowing angels and stars: Gisela Liebsch and Gerd Mörl have been transforming their farm in Straupitz (Dahme-Spreewald) into a peaceful Christmas wonderland with warm lights during Advent for 26 years. 300 figures stand between the fir branches laid out, another 100 in the carport. "They're not so weatherproof," the 76-year-old explains to dpa. Every year, the figures are arranged differently so that the 1,800 square meter garden always looks different. They are placed on sledges or attached to trees, in the fir trees and on the front of the house.

When dusk sets in from 3.30 pm, the lights in the Straupitz Christmas garden glow in warm yellow - until 7.30 pm. It starts this Saturday. The couple hardly ever use LED lamps for the lighting. They are too bright, they both explain. They accept that old, conventional light bulbs consume more electricity. "We don't smoke, we don't have a pet, I cut my husband's hair alone, everyone spends their money somewhere else, we just do it," says Gisela Liebsch about the family hobby.

For the Christmas ensemble, her partner fetches mountains of fir greenery, which is then laid out decoratively in the snow between the figures. Beforehand, the many figures have to be fetched from the attic of the house. The children and grandchildren now help with this.

The couple's"Christmas house" has long been a local celebrity in the Spreewald village. Gisela Liebsch says that families and children have been asking for weeks when it will start. In the meantime, the couple's new neighbor has also been inspired by the Christmas lights and decorates his house. "It's a bit contagious," she believes. Even the village no longer looks as dreary as it used to, now there are more lights in the front gardens.

The Muschner family in Berkenbrück (Oder-Spree) also switch on countless lights for the first Advent. Around 20 timers ensure that the property, including the front of the house, is transformed into a glowing Christmas paradise. As soon as it gets dark, sparkling snowmen and Santas, reindeer and other animal figures sit in the garden, while a unicorn twinkles for the children. Over 20 years, more than 100 figures have been collected, as Gabriele Muschner explains.

The Muschners light up the Christmas world with energy-saving LED lights. They are also well supplied by a photovoltaic system on the roof of their house, according to the couple. As long as the family can continue to bring joy to others, they want to keep up the effort. The garden fence is particularly busy at Advent weekends.

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