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Christian B. driven into the courtroom in a wheelchair

No major twists and turns were expected in the trial against Christian B. on Friday, which lasted just under an hour. However, there was one surprise in the trial against the suspect in the Maddie case.

The defendant Christian B. stands in the courtroom at Braunschweig Regional Court.
The defendant Christian B. stands in the courtroom at Braunschweig Regional Court.

Processes - Christian B. driven into the courtroom in a wheelchair

In the rape trial against the suspect also implicated in the Maddie case, the defendant was wheeled into the courtroom in a wheelchair on a Friday. The 47-year-old Christian B. wore handcuffs, ankle shackles, and a belt over his jacket in addition. The unusual appearance during the nearly one-hour-long hearing at the Brunswick Regional Court was not addressed.

A spokesperson for the court declined to comment on a security-related background when asked. Regarding the defendant's health condition, she could not provide any information. Defense attorney Philipp Marquart stated after the brief hearing that his client had complained of foot pain beforehand and had been treated. No further details were available at the moment. The presiding judge wished for everyone's general well-being in closing. Several trial days had previously been canceled due to a judge's illness.

The repeatedly convicted sexual offender has been in court since February, charged with three rapes and two cases of sexual abuse of children. The proceedings have attracted significant interest due to the fact that the defendant is also a suspect in the case of the 2007 disappearance of the three-year-old Madeleine McCann from a Portuguese holiday resort. The Maddie complex is not the subject of the current trial, and the presumption of innocence applies.

  1. The rape trial in Lower Saxony's Brunswick Regional Court, involving Christian B., a suspect linked to the Maddie case, was attended by numerous individuals due to his involvement in the 2007 disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
  2. During the courtroom proceedings, Christian B., dressed in a wheelchair, handcuffs, ankle shackles, and a belt over his jacket, remained mostly silent, making no mention of the rape trial or his alleged connection to the Maddie case.
  3. Medical personnel assisted in moving Christian B., who complained of foot pain, into the wheelchair prior to the hearing, maintaining a low profile and offering no explanation for his accommodation.
  4. Despite the ongoing trial in Germany, German authorities are still processing numerous investigative processes related to the Maddie case, seeking to uncover any potential connections or evidence.
  5. The proceedings, which have been ongoing since February, have been a source of intense scrutiny and interest for both German and international audiences, as Christian B. continues to face charges of multiple rapes and sexual abuse of minors.

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