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Chinese leadership praises solution for real estate crisis and other 'risks'

The Chinese leadership has promised solutions for the grave crisis in the real estate sector of the country. The Communist Party's Standing Committee passed a "Resolution to Deepen Reforms" on Thursday, reported the state news agency Xinhua. key areas such as real estate and local government...

Xi Jinping (m.)
Xi Jinping (m.)

Chinese leadership praises solution for real estate crisis and other 'risks'

The Party- and state leadership around President Xi Jinping gathered for their top meeting in Beijing this week. The focus was on the current weak phase of the Chinese economy. The recovery since the end of the strict Corona restrictions in the country has been much slower than hoped for.

According to Xinhua, no concrete steps were agreed upon during the leadership meeting. The new guidelines include "actively boosting domestic demand" and "making market mechanisms more effective and creating a fairer and more dynamic market environment." Meanwhile, the top officials announced they would "counteract market failures" and "smooth out the circulation of the national economy."

Among the most pressing economic issues is the struggling real estate sector, which long served as a major growth engine. However, the building boom of the past decades was mainly fueled by debt, with real estate companies becoming heavily indebted. Several large real estate conglomerates are now on the brink of insolvency, projects are not being completed, and prices are plummeting.

The Beijing leadership seems to be preparing for potential opposition from the population. According to Xinhua, it was decided at the Party meeting to "strengthen public opinion guidance and effectively prevent and remove ideological risks."

  1. Despite the slow recovery in the Chinese economy, President Xi Jinping and his leadership team in Beijing are actively seeking a solution.
  2. The Real estate crisis, affecting major players in the sector, was one of the crucial topics discussed during Xi Jinping's top meeting in Beijing.
  3. Xinhua reported that the Communist Party is aiming to strengthen leadership in the real estate sector by addressing its risks and focusing on market stabilization.
  4. The Communist Party's leadership in Beijing has announced that they will prioritize boosting domestic demand and making market mechanisms more effective to counteract the real estate crisis.
  5. As the Chinese economy faces various challenges, including the struggling real estate sector, the focus has shifted towards a caliber and wholesome Chinese leadership that can navigate the Crisis.
  6. The Beijing leadership is also emphasizing on the importance of ideological risks management within the population in relation to the current real estate crisis and economic recovery.

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