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China's Lunar Spacecraft Successfully Retrieves Landing Data

"Chang'e-6 Spacecraft is Equipped with Lunar Samples

The lunar probe is inspected after landing in the steppe of Inner Mongolia.
The lunar probe is inspected after landing in the steppe of Inner Mongolia.

China's Lunar Spacecraft Successfully Retrieves Landing Data

The "Chang'e-6" endeavor is pretty ballsy, aimed at being the first to transport lunar soil samples from the Moon's hidden side to our planet. As per the Chinese news agency Xinhua, the spacecraft, which scooped up lunar soil samples from the Moon's secretive side, allegedly touched down safely on Earth on a Tuesday. With this, China has supposedly wrapped up its most complicated lunar mission in merely 53 days.

For the very first time in the annals of space exploration, a spacecraft has transferred lunar soil samples from the Moon's hidden side to Earth: The Chinese spacecraft "Chang'e-6," which grabbed some Moon dirt from the Moon's hidden side, is said to have landed on Earth on a Tuesday, according to the state-owned Chinese news agency Xinhua. With this, China has supposedly completed its most complex lunar mission in 53 days.

"Chang'e-6" blasted off from the Wenchang Space Launch Site nestled on Hainan Island in southern China on May 3. It reportedly landed on the Moon's hidden side in a massive pit called South Pole-Aitken Basin a month later. After touching down, the spacecraft is said to have dug up material beneath the Moon's surface with a drill and gathered samples on the Moon's surface with a mechanical arm. After a successful harvest of samples, a Chinese flag was apparently waved for the first time on the Moon's hidden side, according to the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA).

First spacecraft with lunar samples from the hidden side

The Chinese spacecraft is now the first in history to return with lunar samples from the Moon's hidden side. Scientists anxiously await the chance to study the Moon's hidden side because its surface has less extreme coverage of lava. Thus, it's easier to access rocks that can offer insights into the Moon's creation.

For China, the mission is another feather in its space program's cap: The People's Republic aspires to become a major space power and is pouring vast sums of money into its space program under the guidance of President Xi Jinping - with some fruitful results. In 2019, China was the first nation to land a spacecraft on the Moon's hidden side with "Chang'e-4."

China's string of space accomplishments

Following the subsequent mission "Chang'e-5," China brought lunar soil samples to Earth in 2020 as the third country to do so after the United States and the Soviet Union. However, these were samples from the Moon's visible side. In the forthcoming weeks and months, the samples from the Moon's hidden side will be thoroughly analyzed.

China, after the Soviet Union and the United States, is the third country to have sent humans into space with a mission. China has also successfully landed a spacecraft on Mars and constructed the space station Tiangong ("Heavenly Palace"), which has been continuously inhabited since 2022. By 2030, Beijing plans a manned lunar landing mission, and the nation also intends to establish a permanent base on the Moon's surface.

The United States view China's space program as an effort to attain military objectives from space. The United States are scheduled to send astronauts back to the Moon with Mission Artemis 3, slated for 2026.

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