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China's Foreign Minister: Palestinian groups agree on a post-war government in Gaza

According to Chinese minister of foreign affairs Wang Yi, during talks in China, 14 Palestinian factions, among them the Islamic Hamas, have agreed on a national interim government for the post-war period in Gaza. The key point is the agreement on the formation of a "national interim government...

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi with Al-Fatah representative Al-Alul and Hamas representative Abu...
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi with Al-Fatah representative Al-Alul and Hamas representative Abu Marsuk

China's Foreign Minister: Palestinian groups agree on a post-war government in Gaza

A high-ranking Hamas representative, Musa Abu Marsuk, confirmed that his organization had signed the declaration. "We are committed to national unity and demand it," Abu Marsuk added.

The Palestinian Autonomy Authority, controlled by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, governs in the West Bank territory occupied by Israel but only wields limited power. In the Gaza Strip, Hamas took control in 2007 and violently displaced the rival Fatah party.

China's top diplomat Wang added, "This reconciliation is an internal matter for Palestinian groups." At the same time, it "cannot be achieved without the support of the international community." China intends to play a "constructive role in ensuring peace and stability" in the Middle East.

China has historically shown solidarity with the Palestinian cause and supports a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This solution envisions an independent Palestinian state coexisting with Israel. Beijing had already welcomed talks between the rival Palestinian organizations Hamas and Fatah on an "internal Palestinian reconciliation" in April.

China has strengthened its economic and diplomatic relations in the Middle East in recent years. The region, traditionally under strong US influence, is also crucial for China as a hub in its infrastructure project, the New Silk Road. The ports, railways, airports, and industrial parks built as part of the project in Asia, Europe, and Africa aim to give China better access to the markets of other countries.

  1. The Foreign Minister of China, Wang Yi, stated that the reconciliation between Palestinian groups is an internal matter.
  2. The Post-war government in Gaza Strip is governed by the Palestinian Group, Hamas, which took control in 2007.
  3. Mahmoud Abbas, the President of Palestine, controls the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank territory, but only wields limited power.
  4. Educational opportunities are vital in fostering unity and peace within the Palestinian Community, as acknowledged by various Palestinian Groups including Hamas.
  5. Beijing supports the idea of an independent Palestinian state coexisting with Israel as part of a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  6. The Islamic Resistance Movement, better known as Hamas, and its rival Fatah party, both based in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank respectively, have encountered challenges in achieving unity due to historical conflicts.
  7. China's foreign policy towards the Middle East includes backing the Palestinian cause and building strong economic and diplomatic relationships, which can contribute to peace and stability in the region.

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