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Child's body found: No clear cause of death determined

A terrible discovery made headlines at the beginning of the year. Important investigations into the matter have now been completed and the investigation is largely over.

Child's body found: No clear cause of death determined

The autopsy of a child's body found in the district of Saalfeld-Rudolstadt has not provided a clear cause of death. This was announced by the public prosecutor's office in Gera on request. Extensive forensic examinations were carried out. However, these were extremely difficult due to the long time the body had been lying there. The investigations are now almost complete.

The body of the girl was found on January 21 on the outskirts of Bad Blankenburg, a resort town with a population of around 6000. According to earlier information from the public prosecutor's office, the child was around three years old at the time of death.

Arrest warrants have been issued against the mother of the dead child and against the woman's partner on charges of murder by omission. However, the arrest warrant for the mother has been suspended, said the spokesperson for the public prosecutor's office. Although the then 21-year-old was arrested at the beginning of April, she was released from custody. The woman was presumably a minor at the time of the crime. The arrest warrant against the man has not yet been executed: He is currently in custody for other offenses.

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