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Children called for mother at the airport - crime foiled

A father wanted to take his three children to Iran without their mother's knowledge - but his plan didn't work out.

A father wanted to take his three children to Iran from Cologne/Bonn Airport without their mother's...
A father wanted to take his three children to Iran from Cologne/Bonn Airport without their mother's knowledge. (archive picture)

Child abduction - Children called for mother at the airport - crime foiled

A father wanted to travel to Iran with his three children without the mother's consent - this was prevented by the German Federal Police, according to their own statements. The 36-year-old Iraqi man passed through the security control at Cologne/Bonn Airport with the children on a Tuesday, as reported by the police. However, the children called out for their mother in Arabic several times, which alerted an attentive employee of the German Federal Police.

Initial investigations on site confirmed the suspicion that the man living in the Netherlands intended to take the children out of the country without their mother's consent. Further investigations revealed that the 13-year-old son had been living with the father for a month, while the two seven-year-old daughters lived with the 32-year-old mother, also in the Netherlands.

The man had gotten the mother to sign a false power of attorney for a doctor's visit - he reportedly used this document as a forged consent declaration for the planned departure. After his plan was foiled, the children were able to be reunited with their mother the same evening. The father now has to account for child abduction and forgery of evidentiary data.

  1. The father's intended travel to Iran with the children aboard was halted by the German Federal Police due to lack of mother's consent.
  2. The suspect, a 36-year-old Iraqi man, intended to commit a criminal offense by taking the children out of the country without consent.
  3. The incident occurred at Cologne/Bonn Airport in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, where the children called out for their mother in Arabic.
  4. The Netherland-residing man's false power of attorney, used for a doctor's visit, was exposed by the authorities as a forged consent declaration.
  5. The 13-year-old son had been living with the father for a month, while the two seven-year-old daughters remained with their mother in the Netherlands.
  6. The Federal Police intervened in time, leading to the children's swift reunification with their mother in Germany.
  7. The perpetrator now faces charges in Germany for child abduction and forgery of evidentiary data.

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