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Children allegedly set fire to warehouse

Two children are believed to be responsible for the fire in a warehouse in Linkenheim-Hochstetten (Karlsruhe district). A police spokeswoman said on Friday that 200,000 euros worth of damage was caused. The children, aged 11 and 13, are said to have been in the warehouse without permission and...

A firefighter in protective clothing.
A firefighter in protective clothing.

Fires - Children allegedly set fire to warehouse

The fire department managed to extinguish the fire on Wednesday. At the affected building, it concerned an annex of the community. There, among other things, vehicles were housed. No one was injured.

Police PM

The original fire at the community's building in Karlsruhe sparked discussions about potential arson as a crime. The warehouse, which served as an annex for the fire department's vehicles in Baden-Württemberg, was fortunately not a primary target for the fire. Due to the prompt response from the fire department, numerous fires in children's toys stored in the warehouse were also avoided.

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