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Child beaten and teacher assaulted - suspended sentence

She hits and insults a twelve-year-old and pours lemonade over a teacher's head. A mental illness is also responsible for one woman's outbursts.

View of the entrance to Osnabrück District Court.
View of the entrance to Osnabrück District Court.

Processes - Child beaten and teacher assaulted - suspended sentence

Due to a slap and racist insults towards a 12-year-old, a woman from the Amtsgericht Osnabrück was sentenced to eight months probationary imprisonment. The court also punished the attack on her son's teacher with the sentence handed down on a Monday: The woman living in the Steinfurt district of NRW had stormed into the classroom in a fit of anger and poured orange limonade over the teacher. The judge recognized the defendant's behavior as bodily harm, insult, coercion, threat, and incitement to hatred. She is also required to perform 100 hours of community service. The judgment is not yet legally binding.

Judge Florian Ewald acknowledged that the 31-year-old defendant was less culpable at the time of the offense due to a psychological condition. Her attorney argued during the trial that his client had not taken the prescribed psychotropic drugs during the incidents in the fall due to her pregnancy: "She was a different person than the one who sits before you now."

The defendant's husband described her behavior at the time as temperamental and prone to rapid mood swings. He also testified that she had insulted his family. According to her attorney, there are currently two criminal proceedings pending against the woman at the Amtsgerichten in Ibbenbüren and Tecklenburg (Steinfurt district) regarding insults. In these cases, the matters involved also included insults.

The woman was sentenced to seven fines in NRW in 2015 for similar offenses, the judge noted. Therefore, a fine no longer sufficed, and he justified the probationary imprisonment. The community service was intended to give the woman an opportunity to reflect on her actions.

The assault on the 12-year-old boy occurred on October 19, 2021, at a sports field in the Osnabrück district of Dodesheide. The son of the defendant had gotten into a fight with other boys. The child called his parents, complaining that he was being bullied. Father and mother drove to the sports field. The woman slapped the 12-year-old in the face with an open hand, causing his glasses to fall to the ground. She then grabbed him by the collar and shouted, "Shit foreigners, you'll see what we'll do to your country." The younger brother and a friend of the two boys confirmed that this statement was made. The judge determined that this was a clear racist remark directed at children.

The attack on the son's teacher on November 2, 2021, was notable because of the seventh-grader's disruptive behavior during the English lesson, as reported by the teacher called as a witness. The boy had been restless, disturbing others, and drinking limonade. Since caffeine- and sugar-containing beverages were not allowed in school, she took the drink away from him and sent him to individual work in the classroom. The son called his parents, who arrived at the school immediately. The mother stormed into the classroom and poured orange limonade over the completely surprised teacher.

The defendant explained her behavior by stating that she did not consider it right that the teacher had forbidden her son to drink when he was thirsty. "An attack on school personnel will not be tolerated," said Judge Ewald. The 31-year-old had first had to speak with the teacher about the incident. The incident had also disrupted the class. "These are children who cannot yet understand when a respected person is treated disrespectfully in front of them," he said.

The defendant apologized to the teacher and the children in the trial. Her attorney stated that his client had been in a psychiatric clinic for treatment and had been medically prescribed during this time. She would also be monitored to ensure that she regularly took her medications for her psychiatric condition, the woman assured.

  1. The woman from Lower Saxony, who resides in Steinfurt, was sentenced to eight months of probationary imprisonment due to a slap and racist insults towards a 12-year-old.
  2. The local court in Osnabrück recognized her behavior as bodily harm, insult, coercion, threat, and incitement to hatred.
  3. The defendant's husband testified that she had insulted his family and described her behavior as temperamental and prone to rapid mood swings.
  4. There are currently two criminal proceedings pending against the woman at the Amtsgerichten in Ibbenbüren and Tecklenburg, also in the Steinfurt district, regarding insults.
  5. The woman was sentenced to seven fines in NRW in 2015 for similar offenses.
  6. The assault on the 12-year-old boy occurred at a sports field in the Osnabrück district of Dodesheide, where the boy was being bullied and called his parents.
  7. The attack on the son's teacher was notable because of the seventh-grader's disruptive behavior during an English lesson, which led to the teacher taking away his drink and sending him to individual work.
  8. The defendant apologized to the teacher and the children in the trial and assured that she would be monitored to ensure that she regularly took her medications for her psychiatric condition.

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