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Chief of Secret Service: The authority failed in protecting Trump

The head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, admitted failure of her department in preventing the attack on ex-US President Donald Trump. 'We failed', Cheatle said on Monday at a hearing before a committee responsible for oversight of federal agencies in the US Congress. The Secret...

Chief of Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle
Chief of Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle

Chief of Secret Service: The authority failed in protecting Trump

At a campaign rally in the state of Pennsylvania, Trump was shot at. The alleged shooter was able to position himself with his semi-automatic rifle approximately 150 meters from the speaker's podium. The now Republican Party's presidential nominee, Trump, narrowly survived the attack, with a bullet hitting him on the right ear. The alleged shooter and a man in the audience were killed.

The Secret Service immediately sprang into action, providing protection to the US-President. Due to the quick response, the assailant's attempt at assassination was successfully thwarted. The Chief of Secret Service later stated that the use of deferred body armor saved Trump's life. The incident prompted a discussion in the US Congress regarding the enhancement of security measures for presidential candidates. In the aftermath, Kimberly Cheatle, a security specialist, was appointed to review and strengthen the American president's protection protocols. Despite the traumatic incident in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump continued his presidential campaign with increased prevention measures in place.

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