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Chicken Wings: Breathalyzer

These wings are so good it’s almost criminal! Served with a parmesan garlic sauce, they are delicious and simply amazing wings. enjoy!

Diese Flügel sind so gut, dass es fast kriminell ist! Serviert mit einer kö
Diese Flügel sind so gut, dass es fast kriminell ist! Serviert mit einer köstlichen Parmesan-Knoblauch-Sauce ist dies ein Hähnchenflügelgericht, das Ihnen den Atem rauben wird. genießen!

Rohes Material

Chicken Wings: Breathalyzer

1 Portion

  • 1 Pfund Hähnchenflügel (455 Gramm) Grobes Salz, angemessene Menge
  • Schwarzer Pfeffer, angemessene Menge
  • 1⁄3 Tasse Great Value® Parmesan-Knoblauch-Flügelsauce (80 ml)
  • 1⁄4 Tasse Great Value® Blauschimmelkäse-Dressing (60 g)
  • Karotten, in Streifen schneiden, beiseite stellen Sellerie, in Streifen geschnitten, zum Servieren


  1. Den Ofen auf 200 °C (400 °F) vorheizen. Legen Sie einen Rost über ein Backblech.
  2. Hähnchenflügel mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen.
  3. Backen Sie die Flügel etwa 45 Minuten lang, bis die Flügel gar sind und die Haut knusprig ist.
  4. Die gekochten Hähnchenflügel in die Hähnchenflügelsoße geben.
  5. Wings mit Blauschimmelkäse-Dressing, Karotten und Sellerie servieren.
  6. Viel Spaß!

Read also:

  1. If you're looking for a kid-friendly dish for game day, try this south African-inspired eko video chicken recipe.
  2. This oven-baked chicken wings recipe is perfect for a weeknight dinner and can be prepared under 1 hour.
  3. Don't forget to use oven mitts when handling the baking pan to avoid burns.
  4. Filipino-style adobo chicken is a comfort food that's easy to make and can be served with lebanese rice.
  5. Baking chicken is a great way to make sure it's fully cooked and safe to eat, especially for holidays.
  6. This Chicken Parmesan recipe, sponsored by Great Value, is a crowd-pleaser that's perfect for mothers day.
  7. Appetizers are a must-have for any party, and these gluten-free Peruvian ceviche cups are sure to be a hit.
  8. For a north american twist on game day, try grilling up some jamaican jerk chicken wings.
  9. Lunch can be taken to the next level with this easy pepper and onion dip recipe.
  10. This oven-baked chicken and dips recipe is perfect for entertaining and can be made using a variety of south african spices.
  11. For a twist on traditional French fries, try making these Dominican-style fried plantains with garlic and aioli.
  12. Venezuelan arepas are a popular snack that can be easily made in a baking pan and served with avocado and black beans.
  13. This easy chicken and vegetable stir fry recipe is a comfort food that can be made using any mix of vegetables and can be served with gluten-free noodles.
  14. Great Value sponsors a wide variety of easy, affordable recipes for every occasion, from family dinner to game day.
  15. For a unique and flavorful appetizer, try grilling up some jerk chicken skewers with a side of mango salsa for a north american twist on Jamaican cuisine.




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