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Cheaper Germany ticket for students

In some federal states, students have already been able to use the Deutschlandticket for a reduced price. It is now clear when this will be the case in Lower Saxony and Bremen.

From the winter semester, students in Lower Saxony and Bremen will be able to use the...
From the winter semester, students in Lower Saxony and Bremen will be able to use the Deutschlandticket for a lower price.

For the winter semester - Cheaper Germany ticket for students

Approximately 200,000 students in Lower Saxony and Bremen can obtain a discounted Germany ticket for the upcoming winter semester. The price will then be monthly 29.40 Euro, as the Transport Ministry in Hanover announced. This offer is therefore directed at students from a total of 36 universities and colleges in the two federal states.

Federal and state governments had agreed on the nationwide introduction of the discounted Germany ticket for students in the previous year. The student representatives were supposed to conclude corresponding agreements with the transport companies. In some federal states, the discounted ticket has already been introduced.

The Germany ticket has existed for more than a year and costs regularly 49 Euro per month. With this, customers can use local and regional transport in Germany.

  1. Students studying in Bremen or Lower Saxony can take advantage of this opportunity, as they are among the 200,000 eligible for the discounted Germany ticket.
  2. The city of Hanover, located in Lower Saxony, is one of the many locations where students can benefit from this offer announced by the Transport Ministry.
  3. The discounted ticket, valid in Germany, is not only beneficial for students from the Universities of Bremen but also for those enrolled in the 36 universities and colleges in Lower Saxony and Bremen.
  4. Despite the Railroad traffic, students can enjoy seamless transportation across Lower Saxony and Bremen with the help of this discounted Germany ticket for the upcoming winter semester.
  5. The Ministry of Transport in Germany has played a crucial role in providing this discount, aiming to reduce the financial burden of students who rely on regular public transportation.

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