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ChatGPT encounters challenges

Extended periods of disruption

ChatGPT was down for several hours recently.
ChatGPT was down for several hours recently.

ChatGPT encounters challenges

ChatGPT, widely known AI chatbot created by OpenAI, has been experiencing unexpected outages. The company, at first, successfully addressed the issues, but new problems arose shortly after. The reasons for the failures have yet to be determined.

ChatGPT, a well-known AI chatbot, has found itself in the midst of multiple disruptions. When a long-lasting disruption was fixed, OpenAI announced new problems only to follow shortly after. The source of these issues was initially unknown.

ChatGPT, the most renowned Chatbot, sparked the AI hype over a year ago. These AI Chatbots undergo extensive training with massive amounts of data, allowing them to generate human-like text, create software code, and summarize information.

The principle behind this technology lies in breaking down sentences into words and determining the most suitable continuation. However, there is a drawback: the software might occasionally provide incorrect answers even when given factual information as a basis. To prevent this issue, developers are working on implementing reliable guidelines.

OpenAI, established in 2015, operates as a non-profit research and development organization, co-founded by billionaire and Twitter CEO Elon Musk, as well as technology investor Sam Altman. Musk left OpenAI's board in 2018 due to conflicts regarding the merging of his various positions. In 2019, a profit-focused subsidiary was created to attract external investment.

OpenAI has leveraged Microsoft's computer resources to develop its AI technology. Microsoft, a key partner since 2019, initially invested $1 billion (910 million euros) in the company. More recent reports estimate the growth of these investments to around $13 billion. ChatGPT has been integrated into Microsoft's products, such as their search engine, Bing.

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Despite the challenges facing ChatGPT, its developers continue to explore ways to improve its capabilities in artificial intelligence. For instance, they're working on implementing stricter rules to prevent the AI from providing incorrect answers, a common issue with such systems.

Recent setbacks with ChatGPT, pioneered by OpenAI, have sparked discussions within the AI community about the reliability and potential limitations of using AI chatbots like ChatGPT, powered by artificial intelligence.

