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Charles III calls for peace and environmental protection in Christmas speech

In his second Christmas address as monarch, the British King Charles III has called for the protection of the environment and peace. The "growing awareness" of the need to protect nature is a great inspiration for him, said the 75-year-old in his message broadcast on television on Monday...

King Charles
King Charles

Charles III calls for peace and environmental protection in Christmas speech

Against the backdrop of war in the Middle East and other parts of the world, the King expressed his hope for peace. He prayed "that we can do all in our power to protect each other", said Charles III, calling on people to "put ourselves in our neighbors' shoes and seek their welfare as well as our own".

The royal family had attended Christmas Mass at Sandringham that morning. Charles III was accompanied by his wife Camilla and his son William, his wife Kate and their children. However, his son Harry and his wife Meghan, who retired from their royal duties in 2020 and now live in the USA, did not make the trip.

Charles III succeeded his mother Elizabeth II, who died after 70 years on the throne, in September 2022. He was crowned on May 6.

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