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Charges against 17-year-old after fatal punch

Following a fatal punch against a 15-year-old soccer player from Berlin, the public prosecutor's office in Frankfurt has brought charges against a 17-year-old player from the French club FC Metz. The charge against the teenager is assault resulting in death, as senior public prosecutor Diana...

The penal code and files lie on the table in court.
The penal code and files lie on the table in court.

Process - Charges against 17-year-old after fatal punch

Following a fatal punch against a 15-year-old soccer player from Berlin, the public prosecutor's office in Frankfurt has brought charges against a 17-year-old player from the French club FC Metz. The charge against the teenager is assault resulting in death, as senior public prosecutor Diana Reichmann announced on Friday. The altercation took place during a youth tournament on Whitsunday (May 28) this year on a sports field in Frankfurt-Eckenheim.

According to the indictment, a brawl broke out on the pitch between the French and German players after the final whistle. First, the accused allegedly punched another player. A short time later, according to the indictment, he punched the 15-year-old in the neck, injuring an artery, among other things. One day later, the victim's brain death was diagnosed in hospital. The alleged batterer was already in custody at the time. According to Reichmann, the victim's death was due to negligence on the part of the attacker.

The trial will be heard before one of the juvenile criminal chambers of the Frankfurt Regional Court. Trial dates have not yet been set.

Read also:

  1. This unfortunate incident occurred during Pentecost Sunday, specifically on a sports field in Frankfurt-Eckenheim, where a youth soccer tournament was being held.
  2. The accused, a 17-year-old player from FC Metz, now faces charges in Germany for the bodily injury he inflicted, which ultimately led to the victim's death.
  3. The public prosecutor's office in Frankfurt is taking this matter seriously, with senior public prosecutor Diana Reichmann leading the investigation into criminality within this case.
  4. The indictment details a series of events, including a brawl between the French and German players that erupted after the match's final whistle.
  5. The accused is accused of punching another player initially, but it was the subsequent punch to the victim's neck that caused severe injury, including damage to an artery.
  6. The consequences of these actions were tragic, with the 15-year-old soccer player from Berlin suffering brain death just one day later at a local hospital.
  7. The trial for this incident will take place in Frankfurt, with a date yet to be set in one of the city's juvenile criminal chambers.


