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Changeable June in Hamburg: cool winds and heat

From cool winds to heat of over 30 degrees: the Hanseatic city experienced sun, rain and record temperatures. The beginning of summer is showing itself in all its facets.

Dark clouds drift over the Outer Alster.
Dark clouds drift over the Outer Alster.

Weather - Changeable June in Hamburg: cool winds and heat

June showed itself in Hamburg overall with its changeable side. The first meteorological summer month often brought cool winds, particularly in the second week, when the highest temperatures only reached barely 15 degrees Celsius at times, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Friday. However, the city experienced a summery phase towards the end of the month with temperatures above 30 degrees.

The average air temperature was therefore 16.4 degrees Celsius, slightly above the long-term average of 15.7 degrees Celsius. The sun showed itself for 195 hours less frequently than usual (Average: 216 hours). The precipitation amounted to 71 liters per square meter and was therefore in the range of the average of 70 liters per square meter.

Nationally, the weather in June 2024 was also changeable. Temperatures varied greatly, from autumn-like coolness to high summer heat and tropical heat. The DWD reported a nationwide average temperature of 16.8 degrees Celsius - 1.4 degrees above the reference period 1961-1990. In Messstetten, the lowest temperatures of 1.4 degrees Celsius were measured on the 12th of June. The highest temperatures are expected to be in Bavaria with up to 34 degrees Celsius on the 29th of June.

Simultaneously, June was very wet and rainy nationwide: With around 91 liters per square meter, approximately 107 percent of the long-term average fell. Especially in South Germany, heavy floods and storms occurred with hail and heavy rain. In Oberbayern, 137 liters per square meter were measured in Raubling-Pfraundorf on the 3rd of June. Despite these rainy conditions, the last week of June in Germany had the sunniest days of the year so far, especially in the northeast with locally over 250 sunshine hours.

The changeable weather in Hamburg during June also included a stormy period, as reported by the DWD. The city experienced strong winds and heavy rainfall at times.

Despite the overall changeable weather, the DWD warned Hamburg residents about potential storms and severe weather conditions throughout the month, following the unpredictable trends observed by the meteorological service.

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