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Chancellor Scholz takes part in G7 summit with Selenskyj

The heads of state and government of the G7 countries will meet on Wednesday afternoon for virtual summit consultations with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) was also due to take part in the meeting organized by the Japanese G7 presidency from 3.30...

G-7 poster in
G-7 poster in

Chancellor Scholz takes part in G7 summit with Selenskyj

The Japanese spokesperson added that "important issues for the international community such as the situation in Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East" would be discussed at the summit. German government spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit said in Berlin that such a summit is a "standard procedure" at the end of every G7 presidency. There was no "acute reason".

The G7 includes the USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan and Canada. Japan will hand over the presidency of the group to Italy at the turn of the year.

Shortly before the announcement of Zelensky's participation in the G7 summit, the Ukrainian president had surprisingly canceled an equally virtual appearance before the US Congress. According to the majority leader of the Democrats in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, "something came up at the last minute".

Selensky had been expected to address members of Congress on Tuesday to ask for further military support for his country. However, the aid is currently being blocked by the Republican side in Congress - raising concerns that Western support for Ukraine in the fight against the aggressor Russia is waning.

Government spokesman Hebestreit said in Berlin that Germany would continue its support for Ukraine - financially and militarily. Germany will do this "as long as it is necessary - and it will remain independent of the decisions of other countries".

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