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Chamber of Commerce President: "Ordinary governance is not enough"

The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce has called for a more decisive economic policy and a vision for the future of the Hanseatic city from the red-green Senate. "Proper governance is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for a successful future," said Chamber of Commerce President Norbert Aust...

Economic policy - Chamber of Commerce President: "Ordinary governance is not enough"

The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce has called for a more decisive economic policy and a vision for the future of the Hanseatic city from the red-green Senate. "Proper governance is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for a successful future," said Chamber of Commerce President Norbert Aust on Friday at the "Assembly of an Honorable Businessman" in front of around 1,200 guests. He appealed to the Mayor of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher (SPD), who was also in attendance: "Set up a Hamburg Future Conference at which the top decision-makers from politics, science and business come together regularly to shape Hamburg's future together."

In Aust's view, the central topics should be strengthening competition in the port and innovation at the location. Currently, the city's economic heart is no longer beating in time with the global economy, said Aust. "The arrival of the world's largest liner shipping company MSC at HHLA alone will not lead to more competition in container handling." However, this was urgently needed in order to achieve greater efficiency and productivity in the long term.

Aust criticized the fact that the Senate had missed a real opportunity to promote Hamburg as a location for innovation with the billion euros for the future demanded by the Chamber of Commerce. Hamburg had received a Hapag-Lloyd dividend of around 1.5 billion euros this year alone. "A real windfall profit that the city could not and should not have expected! I would therefore like to ask the Hamburg Senate: Where has the money gone?"

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