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Century's preliminary precipitation data has been revealed.

Meteorologist Thomas Deutschländer of the German Weather Service (DWD) revealed that some areas in southern Germany have experienced more rainfall recently than what is seen over a period of 50 to 100 years. He stated that the amount of rainfall can be classified as a "century-class event,"...

A flood warning sign stands on the banks of the Danube.
A flood warning sign stands on the banks of the Danube.

Explore the wonders of nature and discovery through the lens of scientific research. - Century's preliminary precipitation data has been revealed.

The German spoke, "We need to verify the information first, as some stations may drop out or provide low readings." Usually, additional details are included, making these data more moderate.

Approximately 20 to 30 measurement stations exhibited exceptionally high levels. These locations were predominantly in a region northeast of Augsburg until nearly the Bodensee. Some significant values were related to rainfall on one specific day, while others were linked to rainfall over three successive days.

Meteorological Service: Heavy Rain Events

Read also:

  1. The climate scientist in Offenbach, Germany, expressed concern about the rise in extreme weather events, such as the recent heavy storm that caused significant floods in Southern Germany, particularly in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.
  2. The preliminary data from the past century's meteorological studies in Germany revealed an increase in extreme weather incidents, including heavy rainfall events, highlighting the importance of continued scientific research in the field.
  3. Incomparable rainfall records were registered by several weather stations across Germany, pointing towards potential changes in the climate and weather patterns, with weather experts urging for further investigation in the region northeast of Augsburg, up to the Bodensee.
  4. Local weather reports mentioned the dramatic impact of climate change on the economy and lifestyle, from agriculture and infrastructure to agriculture and tourism, particularly in Southern Germany, which is known for its typical weather contrasts between seasons.
  5. As Germany faces more frequent extreme weather events, such as heavy rainstorms and flooding, there's an increasing demand for accurate and reliable weather forecasts and climate change data, enhancing the cooperation between meteorological research centers and scientific institutions.

