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CDU wants to make Brandenburg the "home of the industrious"

A passer-by walks past a CDU
A passer-by walks past a CDU

CDU wants to make Brandenburg the "home of the industrious"

Brandenburg's CDU wants to anchor the merit principle more firmly and is calling for reforms. Under the motto "Home of the hard-working", the CDU decided on demands for federal and state policy at a closed meeting of the state parliamentary group, state executive committee and representatives from the Bundestag and EU Parliament. "The basic principle of 'support and demand' must apply again: Anyone who is able to work must accept a job, otherwise there must be cuts," reads the paper presented by the CDU parliamentary group in Potsdam on Tuesday. The Christian Democrats criticize the citizen's income and warn against false incentives.

The CDU believes that learning performance should be strengthened in nurseries and schools. The paper states that performance should already be assessed in nurseries. From the third grade onwards, there should be grades - without exception. Currently, written information on learning development can take the place of grades in the third and fourth grades if the majority of the class conference and the parents' meeting decide to do so. The CDU has been in government in Brandenburg with the SPD and the Greens since 2019. A new state parliament will be elected next year. One of the CDU's key issues will be education.

The opposition left-wing faction rejected the demands. "The CDU Brandenburg is currently in full swing on its way to becoming a populist force," said Sebastian Walter, head of the left-wing parliamentary group. The basic assumption that prosperity can be achieved through hard work and performance has not been true for many years. "And the CDU was mainly responsible for this," said Walter.

CDU Secretary General Carsten Linnemann told Bild and Süddeutsche Zeitung that the CDU wants to abolish the citizen's income in its current form. The citizen's income, the successor to Hartz IV, was introduced on January 1, 2023.

  1. The CDU in Brandenburg is pushing for changes in parliament, aiming to reinforce the merit principle and transform Brandenburg into a "home of the industrious," which includes calling for stricter employment policies.
  2. In their education policy proposals, CDU parties in the parliament believe that learning performance should be enhanced in nurseries and schools, with regular grading from the third grade onward, to encourage a culture of hard work and achievement.




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