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CDU wants "stop sign" for traffic lights in repeat election

The CDU wants to turn the partial rerun of the Bundestag elections in Berlin into a vote on the course of the coalition between the SPD, Greens and FDP. "We want to show the traffic light government a stop sign that this cannot go on," said CDU Secretary General Carsten Linnemann in Berlin on...

Carsten Linnemann, CDU Secretary General, speaks at a press conference at the CDU federal office
Carsten Linnemann, CDU Secretary General, speaks at a press conference at the CDU federal office in the Konrad Adenauer House in Berlin.

Bundestag - CDU wants "stop sign" for traffic lights in repeat election

The CDU wants to turn the partial rerun of the Bundestag elections in Berlin into a vote on the course of the coalition between the SPD, Greens and FDP. "We want to show the traffic light government a stop sign that this cannot continue," said CDU Secretary General Carsten Linnemann in Berlin on Tuesday. Germany cannot continue to be governed in this way for two years. "Berliners now have the chance to make this clear."

Ottilie Klein, General Secretary of the capital's CDU, said: "We want to herald the beginning of the end of this federal government in Berlin." The repeat election on 11 February is an opportunity for people to evaluate the policies of the "notoriously divided" federal government. There will be a short and crisp election campaign. The CDU has already presented election posters with the slogan: "Berlin, your chance. Show the traffic light the stop sign."

Following a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court on Tuesday, the 2021 Bundestag election in Berlin will have to be repeated due to numerous glitches in a good fifth of the 2,256 constituencies. Linnemann said that the then red-red-green Senate had failed in the organization. "Elections have to work, otherwise democracy doesn't work."

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