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CDU surpasses Greens and SPD in Mannheim polls.

In 2019, the Greens led the SPD and CDU in the city of squares, while the AfD trailed with 9.2 percent. However, recent developments have reversed this trend.

At a polling station, a voter puts her ballot paper for the local elections into a ballot box.
At a polling station, a voter puts her ballot paper for the local elections into a ballot box.

Regional voting events - CDU surpasses Greens and SPD in Mannheim polls.

During the mayor election, the CDU is on top in Mannheim. In the recent municipal election, the Christian Democrats gained 21.6% of the votes surpassing the Greens (20.1%) and the Social Democrats (18.5%) as mentioned in preliminary results. The CDU saw a 2.5% increase, while the Greens and SPD lost 4.3% and 2.7% respectively. The AfD, on the other hand, gained 5.0 percentage points and secured 14.2% of the votes.

In total, 234,000 citizens had the right to vote in the 2024 municipal council election. There were 13 lists with 508 candidates. Mannheim, with almost 330,000 people, is the second largest city in Baden-Württemberg.

Looking back at 2019, the Greens received 24.4% of the votes while the SPD had 21.2%, the CDU had 19.1%, the AfD received 9.2% and the Free Voters-ML got 7.4%. The FDP secured 6.1% of the votes.

The State Center for Political Education shared details on the municipal election. The Ministry of the Interior also provided information. The final results of the 2024 election in Mannheim are available with past results from Baden-Württemberg in 2019.

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