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CDU state chairman pays tribute to the late Schäuble

Lower Saxony's CDU Chairman Sebastian Lechner has paid tribute to former Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble as "one of Germany's most important political figures". Schäuble will be remembered as a German patriot and an ardent European, said Lechner in a statement on Wednesday.


Death - CDU state chairman pays tribute to the late Schäuble

Lower Saxony's CDU Chairman Sebastian Lechner has paid tribute to former Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble as "one of Germany's most important political figures". Schäuble will be remembered as a German patriot and an ardent European, said Lechner in a statement on Wednesday.

Former Bundestag President and Federal Minister Schäuble fell asleep peacefully at home with his family on Tuesday evening at the age of 81. The family informed the German Press Agency on Wednesday.

"His deep attachment to Germany and his unwavering commitment to the well-being of the country and a united Europe were evident not only in his roles as Federal Minister of the Interior and Finance Minister, but also as President of the Bundestag for many years and as Federal Chairman of the CDU," said Lechner. Even the assassination attempt on his life and the resulting physical limitations could not stop this commitment.

The CDU state chairman went on to say that Schäuble's skill and ability to keep a cool head even in difficult situations made him an outstanding personality in the Federal Republic before and after reunification.

Press release

Read also:

  1. Born and raised in Lower Saxony, Wolfgang Schäuble dedicated his career to serving the CDU, rising through the ranks to become the party's Federal Chairman.
  2. The passing of Wolfgang Schäuble was mourned not only in Hanover but also across Germany and Europe, with tributes pouring in from various political parties and renowned personalities.
  3. After the CDU in Lower Saxony learned of Schäuble's demise, they swiftly organized a memorial event in the Bundestag to pay their respects to the influential, long-serving CDU member.
  4. In the essence of party unity, the CDU in Lower Saxony and Germany at large pledged to uphold Schäuble's legacy, committing to continue his dedication to Germany, Europe, and democratic values.


