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CDU skeptical about wolf compromise's chances of success

According to the CDU, the new regulation of wolf shooting in Germany will not significantly reduce the number of livestock kills in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. "Reaction is only to take place within a very narrow, region-specific radius and for a limited period of time once the wolf has already...

A wolf runs through a forest.
A wolf runs through a forest.

Parliament - CDU skeptical about wolf compromise's chances of success

According to the CDU, the new regulation of wolf shooting in Germany will not significantly reduce the number of livestock kills in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. "Reaction is only to take place within a very narrow, region-specific radius and for a limited period of time once the wolf has already attacked livestock," criticized Beate Schlupp, the CDU/CSU's environmental policy spokesperson in the Schwerin state parliament, on Sunday. The population of wolves in the north-east will hardly be reduced in this way.

The hunting policy spokesman for the opposition parliamentary group, Thomas Diener, called for wolves to be included in hunting legislation. If a certain minimum population is exceeded, a nationwide population regulation could then be implemented, he explained.

The federal and state environment ministers agreed on Friday that problematic wolves that have breached protective fences and killed livestock can be killed much more quickly than before. One major change is that, unlike previously, it will not be necessary to wait for a DNA analysis first. MV Environment Minister Till Backhaus (SPD) described the agreement as a "breakthrough".

Livestock farmers have long been calling for more vigorous action against the predator. This year, 48 attacks by wolves on livestock were recorded in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern up to the beginning of September. A total of 168 animals were killed and 23 injured.

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