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CDU sees success in European polls, regaining top position.

Months after a new state administration's commencement, the CDU in Hesse and their leader Minister President Rhein can rejoice in a triumph in European elections. The Greens experience a setback.

The CDU logo at a party conference.
The CDU logo at a party conference.

Voting Processes - CDU sees success in European polls, regaining top position.

The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) once again won the most votes in Hesse's European election. Led by Minister President Boris Rhein, they got 30.0% of the votes on Sunday evening, an increase of 4.2% compared to the previous election 5 years ago.

The Social Democratic Party (SPD), their coalition partner, took second place with 16.4% (down by 2.0 percentage points). The Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) came in third with a gain of 3.7 percentage points, gaining 13.6% of the votes.

The European election also served as a gauge for political sentiment in Hesse. The Greens experienced a 10.5 percentage point loss, coming in fourth with 12.9% of the votes, after they were the second strongest force at the European election in Hesse in 2019 with 23.4% of the votes.

The Free Democratic Party (FDP) maintained their result (minus 0.1 percentage points) and got 6.3%. A new party, Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht, unexpectedly secured 4.4% of the votes in Hesse. The voter turnout increased significantly to 63.1% (compared to 58.4% in 2019).

At the European election in Hesse in 2019, the CDU was also the strongest force with 25.8% of the votes, followed by the Greens with 23.4%. The SPD won 18.4% support, the AfD 9.9%, the FDP 6.4%, and the Left 4.4%.

Statistics from the Hessian State Statistical Office on the results of the European elections in 2014, 2019, and 2024 (unofficial English translation)

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