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CDU secures victory in Hamburg's Bergedorf district.

Preliminary findings show that the CDU has experienced growth in all locations of the district elections in Hamburg. The party has even taken the lead in Bergedorf. Their chairman shows determination.

Dennis Thering, parliamentary group and state chairman of the CDU in Hamburg.
Dennis Thering, parliamentary group and state chairman of the CDU in Hamburg.

Voting Process - CDU secures victory in Hamburg's Bergedorf district.

The CDU scored a victory in the Hamburg district elections in Bergedorf, grabbing the most votes for the first time since 2008. As per the state election leader's presentation, they received 28.6% of the votes, marking an increase of 4.4 percentage points. Bergedorf was the first district to get fully counted on Monday.

The SPD saw slight growth and ended up with 26.6% of the votes, placing them as the second strongest force. The Greens faced significant defeats, dropping 7.3 percentage points and settling for 14.6%, barely outshining the AfD which gained 5.9 percentage points and pocketed 14.4%.

In the other six districts, the CDU managed to rake in more votes. According to preliminary results. "The CDU Hamburg is back and we're here to offer stability and reliability as a trustworthy partner in the district," proclaimed state leader Dennis Thering. He traced the success back to the party's focus on enhanced security, efficient mobility, and a robust economy.

"On the flip side, the Greens faced significant setbacks. This weakens the coalition in Hamburg, making the Bürgerschaft election in 2025 an explosive three-way race. Now, we'll be exploring possible alliances in all districts to implement our proposals as much as possible," Thering added.

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The CDU's victory in Hamburg's Bergedorf district during the district election was a significant improvement, with a 4.4 percentage point increase from 2008, resulting in 28.6% of the votes. This victory was the first time the CDU secured the most votes in Bergedorf since 2008. In the municipalities that held district elections, the CDU also saw an increase in votes, according to preliminary results. Following the success, state leader Dennis Thering expressed satisfaction and vowed to provide stability and reliability as a partner in the district, crediting the focus on enhanced security, efficient mobility, and a robust economy.

