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CDU Secures Victory in District-Level Local Elections in Baden-Württemberg, Outperforming Greens and SPD

In Stuttgart's local elections, the Christian Democrats emerged victorious, securing 30.2% of the votes. The Greens and Social Democrats finished closely behind, both garnering 12.7% of the votes, with the Greens leading in terms of raw votes. Trailing behind were the Alternative for Germany...

Man with child in voting booth
Man with child in voting booth

CDU Secures Victory in District-Level Local Elections in Baden-Württemberg, Outperforming Greens and SPD

Here's a more casual, simplified version of the text:

CLDUP nudged up by 1.9% from '19 locally. Greens took a hit of 4.8%, SPD slip-up by 1.3%, whereas AfD zoomed up by 6.2%. FDP dipped a tiny bit, 0.9%. Turnout for votin' was 61.4%, up from 58.8% in '19.

Local elections happened Sunday across Brandenburg, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt. In the 4 eastern German states, AfD took the lead. In Rhineland-Palatinate and the Saarland, CLDUP triumphed, in Hamburg, SPD shone, though.

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